Hey lovely people,

Happy New Year!!!!!!!

Amazing 2021 Happy New Year Gif Animation

P.S. I am 100% that person who keeps giving this greeting until March if it is our first time speaking, LOL.

How is 2021 so far?!! I’d love to hear about it. But for now, we’ll dive right into today’s post.

Last post (read: “Last year” hehehe), I briefly mentioned prayer and its importance. With most churches having their prayer and fasting season in the first couple months of the new year, I thought this month would be the perfect time to share the ten reasons I believe in the power of prayer.

Disappointment has a terrible way of stealing your belief in prayer. “Well I prayed and nothing changed” and just like that a spark in us is dimmed. Add up all the stinkin’ betrayals, hurts and disappointments of life and you have someone who believes Jesus is the son of our living God and is our Savior but does not believe in prayer. Of course, they’ll partake in the corporate and grace prayers at church and other bible gatherings. But deep within, there’s no real expectation. They’re sort of on auto-pilot, “Well He’s God. He’s gonna do what He wants whether I pray or not.”

Dear fellow cynic, I get you. But the more I walk with God, the more I see He wants to hear our desires. He wants to hear our heart. Not so that He can be some big, mighty being that just crushes our heart without an after-thought. But so that we can continue to realize that this “thing” we have going on with Him is indeed a relationship. One where we learn to trust His heart for us. That his ultimate decisions are for our good. And He is completely committed to seeing us all the way to the end of this journey successfully.

So, before you completely tune me out, here are ten reasons I believe in the power of prayer.

1. Prayer enables me to be a warrior in this battlefield of life.

Yall, I need not be the one to tell you, Life is hardt. There’s battles coming at us left and right. Remember, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8. Prayer allows you to be an active participant in the battlefield. As opposed to a defeated victim hiding in the corner behind the shed.

2. Prayer helps me to encourage myself in the Lord.

Studying the book of Psalms has been one of the most instrumental parts of my journey. When the bible says, “but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.” 1 Samuel 30:6. PLEASE believe that He did. Not just once, not just a hundred times and not just out of convenience, but out of necessity. In the pit of depression and disappointment, prayer stirs you up to get up, look to God as your hope and live life, regardless of what you’re feeling.

3. Prayer allows me tap into the omnipotent (all-powerful) nature of God.

You know those “naww that’d be crazy!” dreams that fly by your mind and seem so impossible, it’s like why even bother??? Yeah, those. Prayer reminds me that because I serve such a GREAT God, I am also able to do great things far beyond my imagination.

“Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request.” 1 Chronicles 4:10.

4. Prayer helps me to be on my guard.

If you’ve heard me say this verse once, you’ve heard me say it a thousand times, “Guard your heart, for it affects everything you do in this life.” Proverbs 4:23. Prayer allows me to guard my heart from sin and be quick to recognize the tactics of the devil.

5. Prayer helps me to live in the realm that my soul loves to be in.

You ever meet those people who just always seem happy? Love to laugh? Yeaaaa, that’s me. I also love to have an active imagination and dance for no reason. But certain seasons of life have a way of stealing that from you and threatening to create you into something other than what your Creator intended for you to be. Prayer allows me to be connected to my Creator and his design for my being.

6. Prayer allows me to maintain a heart of thankfulness.

Prayer is often where I am reminded of the great things God has done in the past and it stirs my soul into gratitude, regardless, of what the current situation might look like. Luke 17:11-19.

7. Prayer gives me access to use the authority and power Jesus gave me.

I’m not sure what it is about this world that can make us feel so so so small and powerless. But prayer allows me to feel (read: “know”) that I am powerful. It reminds me that I have authority in Jesus name and will not be tossed up and down, left and right by the winds and the waves of life. Luke 9:1.

“Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you” Luke 10:19.

8. Prayer strengthens my faith.

Yes, it is God’s Will that will be done, I mean “who says a thing and it comes to pass if the Lord does not permit it?”, but prayer pushes my faith to believe that against all odds, ALL things work together for my absolute good – even the murky situations.

9. Prayer allows me to be proactive.

We can pray for healing before any news of an illness. We can pray for safety even before we step out of the house. We can pray for protection even before we sense danger, this list goes on.

10. Prayer exposes the plans of the enemy.

When you spend time in prayer and learn the voice of your Father, you begin to sense the Holy Spirit teaching you ways the enemy has found to easily attack you or shake your faith. This inside information allows you to live better armored up. For instance, the Holy Spirit can reveal that you are prone to feeling rejected or overlooked and you can guard your heart against this, especially in social settings by speaking the truth of God’s word, “In Jesus, I am chosen, wanted, noticed, royal, holy and special!” 1 Peter 2:9.

And really here’s a bonus that encapsulates all the points above,

11. Prayer allows me to operate in the Spirit realm.

Spending time in prayer teaches you the voice of your Father. You are more attentive to His heart, to His strength available for you, to His Holy Spirit leading you, to tap into His grace and exhibit the fruit of His Spirit in you.

Our Christian walk is not easy, Jesus even gives us a heads-up, “The road to life is narrow,” “In this world you will have troubles.” The power in prayer is that we stay connected to God and seek His face for walking this walk the way He’s calling us to do.

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

And with that my friends, I’ll bid you adieu!

Stay blessed and a blessing,

Dami ❤

P.S. I love hearing from you all! How is this season going for you? Are you learning any new lessons or facing any challenges so far? Can I join you in prayer? Use the Leave A Reply button below or email me at cravinghislifestyle@gmail.com.

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